
Showing posts with the label personal development

Why you can't & wont change?

Do you have a issue you're struggling with? Call the voicemail hotline and leave you question or message at 1-818-861-9015 Or feel free to email your question or comment at hello@ - My Instagram @iamsobernowwhat What are the most typical reasons why people don't succeed IN LEARNING How to MASTER overcome obstacles? I'm talking mastery here!!!! 1. They don't know what to do or how to do. 2. The truth is - in reality, is many people know exactly what to do and how to do it but they're not willing or able to apply. What are the contributing factors why they can't or won't apply what they know will help them move from where they are to where do they want to? Because they haven't made the decision. Typically people don't understand the critical importance of making decision What happens in your brain when you make a decision? *** This shifts the mindset from concept to *** I'm going to make this a part of me ...

My name is Byron and I am the face of addiction.

My name is Byron and I am the face of addiction.   I had it all so I thought - amazing career  - expense account's - travel - money - prestige - etc - etc. Yes - I did have it all - including a 800lb Gorilla - The 800lb Monkey on my back translated to a 1 Million pound addiction. I was riding high in the Game of Life  - A few short years later I was sleeping in the back of my truck  under the 405 Fwy and Victory Blvd. My addiction used to own me - Today I have chosen take ownership over my addiction.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This very minute - you may not know it yet - you may not be aware of it yet - but in time - some one reading this will be faced with the reality that you're daughter or son, granddaughter, grandson will start dabbling in alcohol and drug use. For millions of you - this will happen under your supervision. Some of these teenagers...

How I Learning to Believe in Something Bigger than Myself.

Growing up we all have dreams. Actually meeting your hero's in real life can be a key moment when you realize "I want to be like him or her." This photo hits home on many levels. Several of the gentlemen in this photo have had a powerful influence on shaping my belief system -  creating the belief that "I can be someone." Slowly over time our believe system (mind set) takes shape. Day after day, one milestone and/or achievement after another, our confidence builds. Having someone in our life that we look up to (aka our hero's) provides the "door of opportunity" to think of becoming someone bigger in life. A few quick take aways from spending time with the bellow champions in life: +++ Al Baker - charm, personality and innovator. A gentleman who is generous and cares about other people. Al is a man who exudes faith and builds confidence in people he interacts with. +++ Jimmy Weinert - charm, personality and a world class work et...